L’histoire jugera

Official film still

En 2016, un traité de paix entre le gouvernement et les Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie a mis fin à 52 ans de guerre civile. Pendant quatre ans, le cinéaste canado-colombien Germán Gutiérrez suit un groupe de guérilleros depuis leur existence secrète dans des camps jusqu’à la vie civile. Dans L’HISTOIRE JUGERA, des hommes et […]

Cinema Politica Versions

Still from Portrait of Resistance

Launched in 2012, Cinema Politica has teamed up with professional translators and language students to offer French and English versions of single-language films and videos, facilitating greater exposure of and access to art works made in one of Canada’s two official languages.

Three Promises

THREE PROMISES est l’histoire d’une mère et de sa caméra, d’un fils et de ses souvenirs refoulés, et d’un pays tout entier. Au début des années 2000, alors que l’armée israélienne riposte contre la deuxième intifada en Cisjordanie, Suha filme son quotidien familial, ponctué de fréquents déplacements souterrains et accablé par l’angoisse de ses deux […]


Adopt a doc banner

In 2010 Cinema Politica initiated a program to support independent Canadian documentaries during the production stage, and before broadcasters and/or financiers have “come on board.” In other words, we started Adopt-a-doc to offer our support to independent films struggling to get made in the very tough climate of documentary in Canada. Click on the film pages below to learn about each project.

CP Publishing

Screening Truth to Power: A Reader on Documentary Activism

From time to time Cinema Politica publishes pamphlets, booklets, and more recently, a real, physical, bonafide BOOK.

Local Spotlight: CP Charlottetown

CP Charlottetown Spotlight

“[T]he collective has become a vital part of the Charlottetown scene, and the Island-wide movement for positive change on all fronts—environmental, social and political.”