Three Promises

THREE PROMISES est l’histoire d’une mère et de sa caméra, d’un fils et de ses souvenirs refoulés, et d’un pays tout entier. Au début des années 2000, alors que l’armée israélienne riposte contre la deuxième intifada en Cisjordanie, Suha filme son quotidien familial, ponctué de fréquents déplacements souterrains et accablé par l’angoisse de ses deux […]

Local Spotlight: CP Mombasa

Local Spotlight: Cinema Politica Mombasa

“We believe that this local event provides a space for the transformative power of film to meet with the voices of our community, inspiring not only ideas but action.”

Māori-Made Collection

still from mauri

In collaboration with the New Zealand Film Commission, we are bringing you six previously unavailable Aotearoa gems by revered directors to stream or book for your institution.

Local Spotlight: CP Charlottetown

CP Charlottetown Spotlight

“[T]he collective has become a vital part of the Charlottetown scene, and the Island-wide movement for positive change on all fronts—environmental, social and political.”

Discussion on Gentrification with Lulu Wei

Lulu Wei Event Details

Cinema Politica Concordia hosted a discussion on gentrification and displacement, urban redevelopment, and affordable housing with Lulu Wei, the director of THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE THIS PLACE, ANYPLACE.