Richly visualised and deeply uplifting, SINGING BACK THE BUFFALO is an epic reimagining of North America through the lens of buffalo consciousness and a potent dream
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Still from Out In The Night
Still from Out In The Night
blair dorosh-walther  ·  2014  ·  1h15m
blair dorosh-walther  ·  2014  ·  1h15m

This doc looks at the case of four black lesbians who were unfairly convicted of assault in a case of self-defense against a violent homophobic attacker.

Still from Gringo Trails
Still from Gringo Trails
Pegi Vail  ·  2014  ·  1h19m
Pegi Vail  ·  2014  ·  1h19m

This penetrating doc travels to some of the world’s top tourist destinations and exposes the dark side of all those sunny vacations.

Still from The Roots Remain
Still from The Roots Remain
Jean-Sebastien Francoeur & Andrew Marchand-Boddy  ·  2014  ·  1h17m
Jean-Sebastien Francoeur & Andrew Marchand-Boddy  ·  2014  ·  1h17m

Canadian-raised graffiti artist FONKi returns to his ancestral Cambodia to reunite with his family and meet other leaders in Cambodia's growing hip-hop community.

Still from The Siren of Faso Fani
Still from The Siren of Faso Fani
Michel K. Zongo  ·  2014  ·  1h29m
Michel K. Zongo  ·  2014  ·  1h29m

Textile workers in Burkina Faso examine and resist colonial legacies and globalization in order to create a sustainable local economy.

Still from Miners Shot Down
Lonmin employees gather on a hill called Wonderkop at Marikana, outside Rustenburg in the North West Province of South Africa August 15. The miners are calling for the minimum wage to be lifted from its current R4,000 a month to R12,500. The men are mostly Xhosa and Pondo speaking, and the strike was initiated by the drillers. Photograph Greg Marinovich

On Demand

Rehad Desai  ·  2014  ·  1h26m

On Demand

Rehad Desai  ·  2014  ·  1h26m

In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’s biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike for better wages.

Still from Kokom
Still from Kokom
Kevin Papatie  ·  2014  ·  5m
Kevin Papatie  ·  2014  ·  5m

An experimental tribute to Papatie's grandmother and the Anishnabe people.