Cinema Politica co-presents screening as part of Queer Cinema for Palestine

Cinema Politica is proud to co-present the QUEER FOR PALESTINE program as part of the inaugural Queer Cinema for Palestine (QCP) festival.

From intimate portrayal to experimental cinema, this program of queer shorts from Palestine and Lebanon examines the intersection of gender and sexual identity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. The program features films by Raafat Hattab, Jumana Manna, Roy Dib, and Mohamed Soueid. The program is curated by Farah Atoui, Razan ElZein-AlSalah, and CP Associate Programmers Viviane Saglier and Muhammad ElKhairy.

Queer for Palestine

Cinema Politica is hosting a live screening of Queer for Palestine on Monday, Nov. 15 at 7:00 pm (ET) at La Sala Rossa, followed by a discussion with members of the Palestinian Youth Movement.

The films will be available online through Toronto Queer Film Festival between November 15 – November 20. The online screening of QUEER FOR PALESTINE includes a pre-recorded conversation with filmmakers Roy Dib and Raafat Hattab.

About Queer Cinema for Palestine

QCP runs from 11-20 November and is hosting more than a dozen events across five continents, both online and in person. QCP is a first-time global queer solidarity initiative that offers a vibrant space using art and culture to oppose the ongoing violence of Israeli apartheid and pinkwashing.

QCP features some of the more than 50 filmmakers who have pulled their films from TLVFest in response to the call from Palestinian queers and the nearly 200 who have pledged not to screen at TLVFest. A special program of Brazilian short films will honor the eight Brazilian filmmakers who withdrew from TLVFest in 2020.

