TRUXX Archival photo of protest. Source: Tourisme Montréal website.

On Demand

A short manifesto of collective resistance to police oppression in the wake of the historic 1977 raid on the Montreal gay bar Truxx.
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Still from Malls R Us
Still from Malls R Us
Helene Klodawsky  ·  2009  ·  1h25m
Helene Klodawsky  ·  2009  ·  1h25m

The Malling of the planet is happening, complete with greenwashing!!

Still from Inukshop
Still from Inukshop
Jobie Weetaluktuk  ·  2009  ·  2m
Jobie Weetaluktuk  ·  2009  ·  2m

A statement about the appropriation of Inuit culture throughout history.

Still from Orgasm Inc
Still from Orgasm Inc

On Demand

Elizabeth Canner  ·  2009  ·  1h13m

On Demand

Elizabeth Canner  ·  2009  ·  1h13m

An upbeat, engaging, enlightening, and provocative film that will change the way you think about sex.

Art in Action (L’art en action)
Art in Action (L’art en action)
Magnus Isacsson & Simon Bujold  ·  2009  ·  1m
Magnus Isacsson & Simon Bujold  ·  2009  ·  1m

A portrait of two provocative Montreal artists: their oeuvre, their creative process and their relationship.

Still from Stories from the Margins
Still from Stories from the Margins
Rusty Beach & Anisha Abdulla  ·  2009  ·  2h
Rusty Beach & Anisha Abdulla  ·  2009  ·  2h

A screening celebration of raw, bold, and poignant personal short stories by racialized filmmakers with an interest in identity politics.

Still from Downstream
Still from Downstream
Leslie Iwerks  ·  2008  ·  33m
Leslie Iwerks  ·  2008  ·  33m

A documentary depicting one of the most polluting oil operations in the world.