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Still from Sex Slaves
Still from Sex Slaves
Ric Esther Bienstock  ·  2006  ·  1h28m
Ric Esther Bienstock  ·  2006  ·  1h28m

A gripping documentary exposé inside the global sex slave trade in women from the former Soviet Bloc.

Still from Mohawk Girls
Still from Mohawk Girls
Tracey Deer  ·  2005  ·  1h2m
Tracey Deer  ·  2005  ·  1h2m

A look inside the lives of three Mohawk teenagers as they tackle issues of identity, culture and family.

Still from Let Them Stay
Still from Let Them Stay
Alex Lisman  ·  2005  ·  28m
Alex Lisman  ·  2005  ·  28m

Will Canada give US war resisters refuge from a war they deem illegal?